the applied companies social media personal branding

One of the chief ways to maximize your chances of getting noticed on the job hunt and landing a new opportunity is building a personal brand. Company brands, for example, highlight the best qualities that a consumer can know to expect from an organization. The same principle applies to personal branding, but in this case you are highlighting your qualities, skills and background so that a company will hire you.

Social media sites — like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more — are ideal places on which to develop and showcase your personal branding. Here are six steps to building a personal brand on social media.


the applied companies talent war advantage redeployment

If you’ve found a great employee for a temporary position, are you working to keep them in your organization, or are you moving on to the next person from the applicant pool? Utilizing your past temporary employees, maintaining a relationship with them and connecting them with new opportunities in your organization is often referred to as redeployment.

Curious about how redeployment can benefit your team?


the applied companies showcase personality on job hunt

When you are applying for a new position, you could be going up against tens of other people – maybe even hundreds. How can you differentiate yourself from all of those other applicants?

Because resumes can come across as a dry list of past positions, especially to someone who’s been reading a bunch of resumes, find new ways to show employers what you’re really like as a professional! Use both your cover letter and interview to show your personality and describe what you’re like at work.


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